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update creature_template set gossip_menu_id = 64000, /*name = 'Multi-functional pet', subname = 'Assistant',*/ AIName = 'SmartAI', npcflag = 2301939 where entry = 23909; set @npc = 23909, -- Can not be changed @spell = 42609, -- Can not be changed @main = 64000, -- Can be changed -- gossip_menu_id -- If you change this value, change it in the update request. @tel = 64001, -- Can be changed @A_tel = 64002, -- Can be changed @H_tel = 64003, -- Can be changed @AR_tel = 64004, -- Can be changed @Buff = 64005; -- Can be changed /* delete from gossip_menu_option where MenuID between @main and @Buff; delete from gossip_menu where MenuID between @main AND @Buff; delete from conditions where SourceGroup between @main and @tel; delete from disables where entry = @spell; delete from gossip_menu_option_locale where MenuID between @main and @Buff; delete from smart_scripts where entryorguid = @npc; */ insert into `gossip_menu_option` (`MenuID`, `optionid`, `optionicon`, `optiontext`, `optiontype`, `optionnpcflag`, `actionmenuid`, `actionpoiid`, `boxcoded`, `boxmoney`, `boxtext`) values (@main, 1, 2, 'Teleport Menu', 1, 1, @tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@tel, 1, 3, 'Cities Alliance', 1, 1, @A_tel, 1, 0, 0, null), (@A_tel, 1, 2, '1. Stormwind', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 2, 2, '2. Ironforge', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 3, 2, '3. Darnassus', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 4, 2, '4. Exodar', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 5, 2, '5. Shattrath', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 6, 2, '6. Isle of Quel Danas', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@A_tel, 7, 2, '7. Dalaran', 1, 1, @A_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@tel, 2, 3, 'Cities Horde', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@H_tel, 1, 2, '1. Orgrimmar', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 2, 2, '2. Thunder Bluff', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 3, 2, '3. Undercity', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 4, 2, '4. Silvermoon City', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 5, 2, '5. Shattrath', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 6, 2, '6. Isle of Quel Danas', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@H_tel, 7, 2, '7. Dalaran', 1, 1, @H_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@tel, 3, 3, 'Arena', 1, 1, @AR_tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@AR_tel, 1, 2, '1. Gurubashi Arena', 1, 1, @AR_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@AR_tel, 2, 2, '2. Arena in the Circle of Blood', 1, 1, @AR_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@AR_tel, 3, 2, '3. Round of tests', 1, 1, @AR_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@AR_tel, 4, 2, '4. Stadium', 1, 1, @AR_tel, 0, 0, 0, 'You sure?'), (@main, 2, 3, 'Buffer', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 1, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayeroffortitude:20|t Prayer of Fortitude', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 2, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_magic_greaterblessingofkings:20|t Blessing of Kings', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 3, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_excorcism:20|t Protection from fear', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 4, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofkings:20|t Blessing of Might', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 5, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayerofspirit:20|t Prayer of Spirit', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 6, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofsanctuary:20|t Blessing of Sanctuary', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 7, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_nature_thorns:20|t Thorns', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 8, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_nature_regeneration:20|t Mark of the Wild', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 9, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_arcaneintellect:20|t Arcane Brilliance', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 10, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofwisdom:20|t Blessing of Wisdom', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 11, 3, '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayerofshadowprotection:20|t Shadow Protection', 1, 1, @Buff, 0, 0, 0, null), (@main, 3, 1, 'Shop', 3, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, null), (@main, 4, 6, 'Bank', 9, 131072, 0, 0, 0, 0, null), (@main, 5, 6, 'Auction', 13, 2097152, 0, 0, 0, 0, null), (@tel, 999, 7, 'Back...', 1, 1, @main, 0, 0, 0, null), (@A_tel, 999, 7, 'Back...', 1, 1, @tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@H_tel, 999, 7, 'Back...', 1, 1, @tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@AR_tel, 999, 7, 'Back...', 1, 1, @tel, 0, 0, 0, null), (@Buff, 999, 7, 'Back...', 1, 1, @main, 0, 0, 0, null); insert into `gossip_menu` (`MenuID`, `TextId`) values (@main, @main), (@tel, @tel), (@A_tel, @A_tel), (@H_tel, @H_tel), (@AR_tel, @AR_tel), (@Buff, @Buff); insert into conditions (SourceTypeOrReferenceId, SourceGroup, SourceEntry, ConditionTypeOrReference, ConditionValue1, Comment) values (14, @main, 1, 25, @spell, 'Spell'), (15, @tel, 1, 16, 1101, 'Allianse'), (15, @tel, 2, 16, 690, 'Horde'); insert into `disables` (`entry`, `flags`, `params_0`, `comment`) values (@spell, 49, '30,489,529,562,566,559,572,607,617,618,628', 'Ban on BG and arena'); insert into `gossip_menu_option_locale` (`MenuID`, `OptionID`, `Locale`, `OptionText`, `BoxText`) values (@main, 1, 'ruRU', 'Телепорт Меню', null), (@tel, 1, 'ruRU', 'Города Альянса', null), (@A_tel, 1, 'ruRU', '1. Штормград', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 2, 'ruRU', '2. Стальгорн', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 3, 'ruRU', '3. Дарнас', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 4, 'ruRU', '4. Экзодар', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 5, 'ruRU', '5. Шаттрат', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 6, 'ruRU', '6. Остров Кель Данас', 'Вы уверены?'), (@A_tel, 7, 'ruRU', '7. Даларан', 'Вы уверены?'), (@tel, 2, 'ruRU', 'Города орды', null), (@H_tel, 1, 'ruRU', '1. Оргриммар', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 2, 'ruRU', '2. Громовой Утес', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 3, 'ruRU', '3. Подгород', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 4, 'ruRU', '4. Луносвет', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 5, 'ruRU', '5. Шаттрат', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 6, 'ruRU', '6. Остров Кель Данас', 'Вы уверены?'), (@H_tel, 7, 'ruRU', '7. Даларан', 'Вы уверены?'), (@tel, 3, 'ruRU', 'Арены', null), (@AR_tel, 1, 'ruRU', '1. Арена Гурубаши', 'Вы уверены?'), (@AR_tel, 2, 'ruRU', '2. Арена в Круге Крови', 'Вы уверены?'), (@AR_tel, 3, 'ruRU', '3. Круг испытаний', 'Вы уверены?'), (@AR_tel, 4, 'ruRU', '4. Ристалище', 'Вы уверены?'), (@main, 2, 'ruRU', 'Баффер', null), (@Buff, 1, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayeroffortitude:20|t Молитва стойкости', null), (@Buff, 2, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_magic_greaterblessingofkings:20|t Благословение королей', null), (@Buff, 3, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_excorcism:20|t Защита от страха', null), (@Buff, 4, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofkings:20|t Благословение могущества', null), (@Buff, 5, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayerofspirit:20|t Молитва духа', null), (@Buff, 6, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofsanctuary:20|t Благословение неприкосновенности', null), (@Buff, 7, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_nature_thorns:20|t Шипи', null), (@Buff, 8, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_nature_regeneration:20|t Знак дикой природы', null), (@Buff, 9, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_arcaneintellect:20|t Чародейская гениальность', null), (@Buff, 10, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_greaterblessingofwisdom:20|t Благословение мудрости', null), (@Buff, 11, 'ruRU', '|TInterface/ICONS/Spell_holy_prayerofshadowprotection:20|t Защита от темной магии', null), (@main, 3, 'ruRU', 'Магазин', null), (@main, 4, 'ruRU', 'Банк', null), (@main, 5, 'ruRU', 'Аукцион', null), (@tel, 999, 'ruRU', 'Назад...', null), (@A_tel, 999, 'ruRU', 'Назад...', null), (@H_tel, 999, 'ruRU', 'Назад...', null), (@AR_tel, 999, 'ruRU', 'Назад...', null), (@Buff, 999, 'ruRU', 'Назад...', null); insert into `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`, `id`, `event_type`, `event_chance`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action_type`, `action_param1`, `target_type`, `target_x`, `target_y`, `target_z`, `target_o`, `comment`) values (@npc, 1, 62, 100, @A_tel, 1, 62, 0, 7, -8960.14, 516.266, 96.3568, 11, 'Stormwind'), (@npc, 2, 62, 100, @A_tel, 2, 62, 0, 7, -4991.78, -870.59, 496.98, 5.30771, 'Ironforge'), (@npc, 3, 62, 100, @A_tel, 3, 62, 1, 7, 8781, 965, 30, 11, 'Darnassus'), (@npc, 4, 62, 100, @A_tel, 4, 62, 530, 7, -4073, -12020, -1, 11, 'Exodar'), (@npc, 15, 62, 100, @A_tel, 5, 62, 530, 7, -1850.21, 5435.82, -10.9614, 3.40391, 'Shattrath'), (@npc, 16, 62, 100, @A_tel, 6, 62, 530, 7, 12947.4, -6893.31, 5.68398, 3.09154, 'Isle of Quel Danas'), (@npc, 17, 62, 100, @A_tel, 7, 62, 571, 7, 5807.67, 588.207, 660.93, 1.70185, 'Dalaran'), (@npc, 8, 62, 100, @H_tel, 1, 62, 1, 7, 1377.78, -4369.87, 26.0264, 0.15315, 'Orgrimmar'), (@npc, 9, 62, 100, @H_tel, 2, 62, 1, 7, -1290, 147.034, 129.682, 4.919, 'Thunder Bluff'), (@npc, 10, 62, 100, @H_tel, 3, 62, 0, 7, 1642.13, 239.71, 62.5916, 3.15534, 'Undercity'), (@npc, 11, 62, 100, @H_tel, 4, 62, 530, 7, 9338.74, -7277.27, 13.7895, 11, 'Silvermoon City'), (@npc, 12, 62, 100, @H_tel, 5, 62, 530, 7, -1850.21, 5435.82, -10.9614, 3.40391, 'Shattrath'), (@npc, 13, 62, 100, @H_tel, 6, 62, 530, 7, 12947.4, -6893.31, 5.68398, 3.09154, 'Isle of Quel Danas'), (@npc, 14, 62, 100, @H_tel, 7, 62, 571, 7, 5807.67, 588.207, 660.93, 1.70185, 'Dalaran'), (@npc, 18, 62, 100, @AR_tel, 1, 62, 1, 7, -13261.3, 168.294, 35.0792, 1.00688, 'Gurubashi Arena'), (@npc, 19, 62, 100, @AR_tel, 2, 62, 530, 7, 2839.44, 5930.17, 11.1002, 3.16284, 'Arena in the Circle of Blood'), (@npc, 20, 62, 100, @AR_tel, 3, 62, 530, 7, -1999.94, 6581.71, 11.32, 2.3, 'Round of tests'), (@npc, 21, 62, 100, @AR_tel, 4, 62, 1, 7, -3739.86, 1093.8, 131.968, 0.155619, 'Stadium'), (@npc, 200, 62, 100, @Buff, 1, 11, 48162, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Prayer of Fortitude'), (@npc, 201, 62, 100, @Buff, 2, 11, 25898, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Blessing of Kings'), (@npc, 202, 62, 100, @Buff, 3, 11, 6346, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Protection from fear'), (@npc, 204, 62, 100, @Buff, 4, 11, 48934, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Blessing of Might'), (@npc, 206, 62, 100, @Buff, 5, 11, 48074, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Prayer of Spirit'), (@npc, 207, 62, 100, @Buff, 6, 11, 25899, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Blessing of Sanctuary'), (@npc, 209, 62, 100, @Buff, 8, 11, 48469, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Thorns'), (@npc, 208, 62, 100, @Buff, 7, 11, 53307, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Mark of the Wild'), (@npc, 210, 62, 100, @Buff, 9, 11, 43002, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Arcane Brilliance'), (@npc, 211, 62, 100, @Buff, 10, 11, 48938, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Blessing of Wisdom'), (@npc, 212, 62, 100, @Buff, 11,11, 48170, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Shadow Protection');
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Пятница, 21.12.2018, 20:58