И так советчик))) если я раньше писал не по русски пишу еще раз на испанском. Я скомпили последнюю реву аспирина поправил вам все скулы! Всё заливается отлично! Не хватает лишь следующих скриптнеймов.
2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'spell_dru_t10_restoration_4p_bonus' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'spell_pri_mind_sear' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'spell_warl_seed_of_corruption' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'spell_warr_improved_spell_reflection' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'spell_q12851_going_bearback' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'mob_naxxramas_teleporter' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:29 Script named 'boss_magus_telestra_arcane' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_icc_valithria_risen_archmage' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_rimefang_icc' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_sindragosa_trash' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'boss_prince_keleseth_icc' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'boss_prince_taldaram_icc' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'boss_prince_valanar_icc' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'boss_blood_queen_lana_thel' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_coldflame' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'spell_marrowgar_coldflame' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'spell_marrowgar_bone_storm' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_cult_fanatic' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_cult_adherent' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_vengeful_shade' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'spell_cultist_dark_martyrdom' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_muradin_bronzebeard' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 20:43:30 Script named 'npc_arcanist_hathorel' does not have a script name assigned in database.
по цлк хотел помоч но понял как много бреда в ядре.. что за boss_blood_queen_lana_thel и npc_blood_queen_lanathel смесь бульдога с носорогом!? На лорде почему касты не прописаны вихрь и coldflame или это о5 тупые дубликаты с другим именем. Сделайте чат на своем сайте и помогу вам до ума довести.. В общем вот я в 4 раза сузил фронт работ для чистого старта. Нужно убрать ненужные старые скрипты с ядра.. всякие дублицаты и кривые мерджи и добавить нехватающие скриптнеймы в базу! Я думаю лучше izogfif, пусть берет и цлк скрипты уберет которые не юзаются. Не сможет сделаю я) Просто раз он отвечает за "целку" пусть ее и делает
сергей я так понял ты в начале заливаешь ac665_part1_IcecrownCitadel-TrinityCore-Merge.sql если да то ошибки будут полю басу я вообще заливаю в первую очередь ac665_part2_IcecrownCitadel.sql а потом уже ac665_part1_IcecrownCitadel-TrinityCore-Merge.sql и таких ошибок не увидел
Сообщение # 872 отредактировано jorda521 - Четверг, 10.02.2011, 20:57
да.. надо переименовать тогда.. я заливал из ходя из ваших же слов
Quote (izogfif)
Ты заливал сначала IcecrownCitadel-TrinityCore-Merge.sql после IcecrownCitadel.sql или до? Надо после.
короче остались
2011-02-10 21:12:31 Script named 'spell_dru_t10_restoration_4p_bonus' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:31 Script named 'spell_pri_mind_sear' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:31 Script named 'spell_warl_seed_of_corruption' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:31 Script named 'spell_warr_improved_spell_reflection' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:31 Script named 'spell_q12851_going_bearback' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:32 Script named 'mob_naxxramas_teleporter' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:32 Script named 'npc_muradin_bronzebeard' does not have a script name assigned in database. 2011-02-10 21:12:32 Script named 'npc_arcanist_hathorel' does not have a script name assigned in database.
Вот спелы ты с мангоса скрипты брал!? Делай в базу скул ) я блин Nexus забыл ща поправлю добавлю и цлк скулы по порядку назову.
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_arcanist_hathorel;' WHERE `entry` = 36670; UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName`='npc_muradin_bronzebeard' WHERE `entry`=37200;
Да это я тоже нашел .. спелы найди ) кстати это в нахрамас скул добавь и закомить тока смотри unit_class надо 1 а не 0 и npc_arcanist_hathorel не прокатит этого интри нету кажется
Скомпилил сборочку от Коммита 670, База YTDB 583 Вот все ошибочки:
2011-02-12 15:41:03 Creature (GUID: 137496) has wrong `auras` data in `creature_addon`. 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77641 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77642 2011-02-12 15:41:06 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 77643 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151783 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151784 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151785 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151786 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151787 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151788 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151789 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151790 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151791 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151792 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151793 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151794 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151795 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151796 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151797 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151798 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151799 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151800 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151801 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151802 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151803 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151804 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151805 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151806 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151807 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151808 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151809 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151810 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151811 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 151812 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 207210 2011-02-12 15:41:07 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 207211 2011-02-12 15:41:09 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 32867 item 45506: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 16156 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29229 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29355 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29608 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29612 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 29833 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 30087 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 31542 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 32857 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:10 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 32927 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26946 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26955 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26963 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27069 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27073 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27074 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27078 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27079 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27081 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27085 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27086 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194315 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194326 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194328 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194329 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194330 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 194331 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34105 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34105 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34105 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34105 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 34154 (reference id) not exist but used as loot id in DB. 2011-02-12 15:41:11 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 37799 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-02-12 15:41:12 Table `spell_scripts` - spell 56278 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY 2011-02-12 15:41:12 Table `gameobject_scripts` has gameobject type (189980) non supported by command SCRIPT_COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR for script id 55194
аналогичную сборку скомпилил, нет там таких ошибок! вот какие у меня:
ERROR: Table `db_script_string` has unused string id 2000000348 ERROR: Script named 'mob_naxxramas_teleporter' does not have a script name assigned in database. ERROR: Script named 'npc_arcanist_hathorel' does not have a script name assigned in database. ERROR: Script named 'npc_variant' does not have a script name assigned in database.
Сообщение # 877 отредактировано NeRc - Суббота, 12.02.2011, 18:00
The_Sun, Я умею править, Джорда спрашивал об ошибках, которые в логи, без правок и тп. Я скачал фулл 582 и накатил 583, дал ответ в тему, так что Sun, прежде, чем наговаривать на людей, разберись сначала
Сообщение # 882 отредактировано Darkensand - Суббота, 12.02.2011, 23:11
http://www.aspirine.net.ru/?page_id=6&mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=7.1 самый последний баг репорт исправьте а то самое элементарное неправильно пашет.. Хотя я довно уже не тестирую аспирин не знаю правдо ли.
Сообщение # 887 отредактировано Blauder - Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 12:51
Аспирин извиняюсь за свою нездержаность но пожалуста займитесь талантами спелами и глифами. баг репорты скоро зашкалят по нерабочим спелам. Страшно даже ядро юзать как баг репорты прочтеш.....
Криво работает у дк антимагический панцирь http://www.wowdata.ru/spell.html?id=48707 . Практически нечего не поглощает. Еще он не игнорирует смерч http://www.wowdata.ru/spell.html?id=33786 друидов хотя должен.
Сообщение # 896 отредактировано Blauder - Четверг, 17.02.2011, 13:14
О каких патчах ты говоришь? В официальное ядро TrinityCore никаких патчей (вроде антихак и т.п.), насколько я знаю, не встроено. На то они и патчи - модифицируют собственно ядро.
аааа!!!парни, ну исправьте уже зависание мобов над землёй в ядре! В официальном Тринити нету этого давно,писал Вам про баг месяц назад ещё - так и не исправили всю малину портит этот баг