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Форум ArcEmu ArcEmu Скрипт на Гильд хаусы + SQL Query ((Хорошо сделано)) |
Скрипт на Гильд хаусы + SQL Query |
Версия 2.0
Работает на Aspire Hearthstone. Описание автора Quote What it does: Guild Houses Will query the Guild ID of player and cross check with entries in the character database (house table posted below) checks if players guild owns an area checks if player has enough gold if no gold no port to house enters in coords based on players gps location (i have some future plans for this - change to actual coords instead of gps function if you want to limit locations) Ports to guild house cost 100 gold (1000 * 1000 = 100 gold) Q_RESULTS_1 and Q_RESULTS_2 now check to see if Guilds own a Zone Now teleports you to nearest Housing Area if in a Zone that Everybody say yay for ownable zones G_House.CPP Code /* * Written by Tekkeryole / AKA / WHOS / Galv * Copyright (C)2009 <http://wowtek.servegame.org/> WoWTek Realms * Feel free to modify as you wish - Give Credits if you * Repost this anywhere else and/or modify and re-release. * I will not tolerate Leechers and / or code stealers * So for the sake of Open Source, give Credits please. * Cheers <img src="http://s8.ucoz.net/sm/1/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="smile"> */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4305) #pragma warning(disable:4101) #endif #define HOUSE_MANAGER 40014//< Duh, NPC ID > #define REQ_COIN 1000 * 1000//< 1000 * 1000 = 100 Gold #define GUILD_MASTER_RANK 0 class SCRIPT_DECL H_MANAGER : public GossipScript { public: void GossipHello(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr, bool AutoSend); void GossipSelectOption(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code); void GossipEnd(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr); void Destroy() { delete this; } }; void H_MANAGER::GossipHello(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr, bool AutoSend) { GossipMenu * Menu; objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, Ob->GetGUID(), 1, Plr); if( Plr->CombatStatus.IsInCombat()) { Plr->BroadcastMessage("You are in Combat!"); return; } if( Plr->GetGuildId() == NULL) { Plr->BroadcastMessage("You are not in a Guild!"); return; } if( Plr->getLevel() < 10) { Plr->BroadcastMessage("You must be level 10."); }else{ Menu->AddItem(1, "Buy this Area.", 1); Menu->AddItem(2, "Port me to the nearest Guild Area.", 2); Menu->AddItem(3, "Area Options", 3); } if(AutoSend) Menu->SendTo(Plr); } void H_MANAGER::GossipSelectOption(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code) { CreaturePointer pCreature = (Ob->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_UNIT) ?TO_CREATURE(Ob):NULLCREATURE; uint32 PLR_COIN = Plr->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE); if(pCreature==NULLCREATURE) return; GossipMenu * Menu; switch(IntId) { case 0: GossipHello(Ob, Plr, true); break; //CASE ONE - BUYING THE HOUSE - DO YOU HAVE THE PRE-REQUISITES FILLED OUT? case 1: { // SQL HACK CHECK TO SEE IF YOU ARE A GUILD MASTER UNTIL I FIGURE OUT HOW // TO CALL FUNCTION GETGUILDLEADER PROPERLY QueryResult * Q_RESULTS_G_LEADER = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM guild_data WHERE guildid = %u AND playerid = %u AND guildRank = %u", Plr->GetGuildId(), Plr->GetGUID(), GUILD_MASTER_RANK); if(Q_RESULTS_G_LEADER == GUILD_MASTER_RANK) { Plr->BroadcastMessage("You are not the Guild Master."); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } QueryResult * Q_RESULTS_1 = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM House_system WHERE guild_id = %u AND zoneid = %u", Plr->GetGuildId(), Plr->GetZoneId()); if(Q_RESULTS_1 != NULL) { //ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO BUY PROPERTY TWICE? Plr->BroadcastMessage("This area has already been purchased."); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } if(PLR_COIN < (REQ_COIN)) //REMINDER FOR LATER - ADD IN OPTION TO TELE TO OTHER GUILDS //OWNED HOUSE IF ON ZONE - EXTRA CHARGE APPLIES FOR NON OWNERS { //YOU NEED TO HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL BREAD FLOW OR THIS HAPPENS Plr->BroadcastMessage("You don't have enough gold to Teleport to nearby Guilds Land."); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } if(Q_RESULTS_1 == NULL) { //MMMM, DATA INSERTION //NOW GIVE ME MY MONEY! CharacterDatabase.Execute("INSERT INTO House_system VALUES('%u', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%u', '%u')", Plr->GetGuildId(), Plr->GetPositionX(), Plr->GetPositionY(), Plr->GetPositionZ(), Plr->GetMapId(), Plr->GetZoneId()); Plr->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE, (PLR_COIN - (REQ_COIN)));//GOLD REMOVAL Plr->BroadcastMessage("Gratz! Your Guild now Owns this area."); //PLAYER SEES THIS IN CHAT Plr->Gossip_Complete(); } }break; //CASE TWO - READ ALL THE FINE PRINT AND GET ACCESS case 2: { QueryResult * Q_RESULTS_2 = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM House_system WHERE guild_id = %u AND zoneid = %u", Plr->GetGuildId(), Plr->GetZoneId()); if(Q_RESULTS_2 == NULL) { //EITHER YOU ARE TRYING TO OUTBUY SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE //OR YOUR GUILD ALREADY OWNS A HOUSE Plr->BroadcastMessage("Your Guild does not own any Land Nearby."); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } if(Q_RESULTS_2->GetRowCount() > 1) { //OH BEJESUS, ANOTHER MYSQL ERROR //BTW - ERROR 421 = BETTER THEN SOBER //AND YOU THOUGHT 4:20 WAS SO COOL //BY THE TIME 4:21 ROLLS AROUND IM BETTER THEN SOBER Plr->BroadcastMessage("Error 421 - Please Report this on the Forums - "); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } if(PLR_COIN < (REQ_COIN)) { //ZOMG NO GOLD? Plr->BroadcastMessage("You don't have enough gold to teleport to your house."); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); return; } float x, y, z; uint32 MapID; Field * F_RESULT = Q_RESULTS_2->Fetch(); x = F_RESULT[1].GetFloat(); y = F_RESULT[2].GetFloat(); z = F_RESULT[3].GetFloat(); MapID = F_RESULT[4].GetUInt32(); Plr->EventTeleport(MapID, x, y, z); Plr->Gossip_Complete(); }break; //CASE THREE - AVAILABLE HOUSE OPTIONS case 3: { objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, Ob->GetGUID(), 1, Plr); Menu->AddItem(0, "This menu is under construction"); //WILL FINISH CREATURE SPAWNS AND OBJECT SPAWNS //ONCE HOUSE LOCATIONS IN EACH ZONE ARE SET UP //UNLESS I CAN FIGURE OUT A BETTER WAY Menu->AddItem(1, "Purchase Repair Bot", 4); Menu->AddItem(2, "Purchase Furniture", 5); Menu->AddItem(3, "Purchase Armor Vendor", 6); Menu->AddItem(4, "Purchase Weapon Vendor", 7); Menu->AddItem(5, "Teleport List", 8); Menu->SendTo(Plr); }break; //BEGINNING OF CASES //case OPEN: // { // Plr->FUNCTION(PARAMETERS); // }break; } }; void H_MANAGER::GossipEnd(ObjectPointer Ob, PlayerPointer Plr) { GossipScript::GossipEnd(Ob, Plr); } void SetupH_MANAGER(ScriptMgr * mgr) { GossipScript * H_M = (GossipScript*) new H_MANAGER(); mgr->register_gossip_script(HOUSE_MANAGER, H_M); } SETUP.CPP Code #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Setup.h" #define SKIP_ALLOCATOR_SHARING 1 #include <ScriptSetup.h> extern "C" SCRIPT_DECL uint32 _exp_get_script_type() { return SCRIPT_TYPE_MISC; } extern "C" SCRIPT_DECL void _exp_script_register(ScriptMgr* mgr) { SetupH_MANAGER(mgr); } #ifdef WIN32 BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; } #endif SETUP.H Code #ifndef INSTANCE_SCRIPTS_SETUP_H #define INSTANCE_SCRIPTS_SETUP_H void SetupH_MANAGER(ScriptMgr * mgr); #endif SQL Таблица. Заливать в Character Database Code DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "house_system"; CREATE TABLE "house_system" ( "guild_id" int(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "posX" float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "posY" float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "posZ" float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "mapId" int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "zoneid" int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'zone id', PRIMARY KEY ("zoneid") ); GUILD HOUSE MANAGER Code INSERT INTO `creature_names` (`entry`, `name`, `subname`, `info_str`, `Flags1`, `type`, `family`, `rank`, `unk4`, `spelldataid`, `male_displayid`, `female_displayid`, `male_displayid2`, `female_displayid2`, `unknown_float1`, `unknown_float2`, `civilian`, `leader`) VALUES ('40014', 'Housing Manager', 'Guild House Manager', '', '1', '7', '0', '4', '0', '0', '22220', '0', '0', '0', '1.0', '1.0', '0', '1'); INSERT INTO `creature_proto` (`entry`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `faction`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `mana`, `scale`, `npcflags`, `attacktime`, `attacktype`, `mindamage`, `maxdamage`, `rangedattacktime`, `rangedmindamage`, `rangedmaxdamage`, `item1`, `item2`, `item3`, `RespawnTime`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `resistance7`, `combat_reach`, `bounding_radius`, `auras`, `boss`, `money`, `invisibility_type`, `death_state`, `walk_speed`, `run_speed`, `fly_speed`, `extra_a9_flags`, `auraimmune_flag`, `vehicle_entry`, `CanMove`) VALUES ('40014', '80', '80', '35', '50000', '50000', '0', '1.0', '3', '3000', '0', '20000.0', '20000.0', '0', '0.0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '30000', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0.0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '2.5', '8.0', '14.0', '0', '0', '-1', '7');
Сообщение # 1 написано 10.10.2010 в 20:53
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